Have you ever thought that the mind can change things in this world?
Were there times when you knew that immediately or soon after you had made a thought, the thing you had been thinking about became a reality?
Well, there are those who think this is a load of BS and there are those who think this is absolutely true and then there are those who sit on the fence, so to speak.
Which are you?
Are you someone who thinks the possibility of the mind directly influencing one’s reality is nonsense? If so, I will not argue with you. You may well be right, but then you may be wrong. But if you are open-minded to this idea, then I’d be happy to explore this a little.
Could It Have Something To Do With Quantum Physics?
You may laugh about the heading to this paragraph, but there is something in it. Most of us, at some point in our young lives, listened to our teacher talking about the laws of gravity, the speed of light and numerous other aspects of physics. This included the Newtonian model of physics and of course Mr Einstein. Newton was a genius who lived in England some three-hundred-years ago, and among some of his discoveries was the law of gravity and calculus. He was brilliant, and his insights are scientifically as important today as they were when he discovered them. Interestingly, many considered him a mystic, and he used his greater mind to perceive things which others had not seen as he did before. The same goes for Einstein, who also used his greater mind to discover things which had not been “seen” before either.
Time and time again one reads, almost as a side note on how these eminent men and women discovered things which were not immediately available to their normal conscious mind, they were available at a higher level, higher consciousness beyond the normal perception of thinking. Yet, the logic that came from these discoveries has influenced physics, science, economics and politics and many other aspects of our lives to great advantage. Yet, when schooled in this logical way of seeing the world in which we live, most of us believe that a concept outside of the “Newtonian paradigm” does not exist, cannot exist and therefore cannot be entertained as a possible way to do things, achieve things in any way on planet Earth.
Underlying the mainstream and “marketed” way of believing our three-dimensional world is, and has always been, a different way of seeing things. One only has to look at indigenous cultures to see that they differ in some way, occasionally hugely from how we think in the west and perceive as the correct way to “see” things. The teachers in our school system teach logic in the west, and that is good but there are other regions of the mind where logic plays less of the role. If teachers bring both parts of mind use together and if taught well, this could help the student to achieve things in their lives far beyond the realm of so-called logic. If we taught the two or more aspects of the mind, then we would see a massive increase in human development, but perhaps there are those who would prefer this kind of teaching to never to be taught, ever!
Skeptics Are Good For Reality And Bring The Would Be Dreamers Down To Earth
Skeptics are welcome but I tend to think that they, due to their perception of things, throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater and block any possibility of something of this nature being true or real. Don’t get me wrong, skeptics are necessary in that they bring the dreamers amongst us down to earth with a hard bump and this can be good so that the would be dreamer questions what it is he or she has realized. However, at the same time they rule out the possibility of something being true and some people think that the way on how they communicate influences a possible outcome in a way that “proves” that something doesn’t work. Isn’t this last point reminiscent of something out of quantum physics? We usually believe what we see and this is, some would say, always based on our conditioning, which can be familial, societal or cultural.
I myself question things a lot, but I most certainly know that to reduce negative stress on the human body affects the metabolism positively and we feel better and our health benefits from this reduction in negative stress. We mostly need some sort of positive stress to keep us motivated and possibly excited about what life is all about.
The Magus of Strovolus
Back in the early nineties I read a book titled the “Magus of Strovolus”, a Greek healer, an elderly, educated man who lived on Cyprus and received visitors and healed people. He also taught would be learners, dissatisfied with their perception of reality in the mystical aspects of the Christian religion. I loved the idea that this came from a Christian background and not a far-eastern one at that time, I read all three books by Kyriacos Markides who spent some time with this man. I enjoyed the books, which I heartily recommend.
A magazine article mentioned Daskalos (which means teacher in Greek) whose real name was Stylianos Atteshlis in connection with a woman based in Zürich, her name was Margarete Friebe. She is still active despite her great age with Alpha Trainings, and although I knew about Silva Mind method and the seminars, I chose to pursue what I thought was a more mystical route and booked a weekend seminar in Zürich. I loved the seminar and according to a close friend back then, when she picked me up from the main city station, remarked on how relaxed I looked. I did feel remarkably good and centred.
My Own Practice
I immediately started to practice what I had learned that weekend. This was not difficult in that I had already been meditating regularly, which I found nice, but I felt this, to me, new kind of active meditation would benefit me more. I was self-employed and had had certain dreams of achieving things within the business I had at that time. So I set my mind to work. I did nothing other than visualize what it was I wanted. And, interestingly, a couple of months later, the first enquiries came in. The first one was a stained glass dome for a very large leisure park. I didn’t get that one, but I was convinced that this was a sign that things were going in the right way.
I have to mention that the business I was in, stained glass supplies, courses and production had been in existence for nine years and although I had had many small contracts I had never received a large contract and I thought that this was the thing I wanted. I emphasize….I thought this was what I wanted!
I Almost Went Bankrupt!
I let my ego get ahead of me. I am not shy of hard work and relish the challenge, but this became rather painful. I unfortunately did not include into my daily practice a picture and feeling of a happy man, a man doing nice things with the rewards from the hard work. I projected myself standing on a ladder mounting the stained glass panels in ceilings. I received a number of contracts for hotels, discotheques and ships. It felt like a runaway train, I could not put the brakes on and when I finally did, I became less than enamored doing the other business in the shop, turnover went down and began to hate being there. I stopped visualizing and meditating, and I almost went bankrupt.
Parallel to the above, I wanted a particular woman I’d met. She was lovely looking, and I thought had a nice personality, but we were completely wrong for each other, and with the downturn of business and a guilt-ridden disastrous relationship this compounded into deep depression, hopelessness and lack of motivation.
On Becoming Wiser
I hope that now; I am a little wiser and when I visualize and feel; I bring my family, a happy family, into the picture and imagining this to be good for all parties, both within my family and without. There is, I believe, currently more “darkness” around than usual and to bring a little light into oneself is the least one can do. I love the quote which I now take from the Silva Ultra-Mind training package, on how a very ill woman, I believe it was Multiple sclerosis, focused when meditating, on others who were suffering in some way, as well as her own health troubles. The result according to Michael Wickert, one of the teachers and speakers in this program, was that she not only helped a lot of people she healed herself completely, thereby bringing in the concept that we are all linked with each other and the more we help others, the more the universe (or God, or the angels, or higher self, or any version of what we perceive as beyond our mere self) helps.
So, as you can see. I believe and have found that rigorous work using the precepts of Silva Ultra Mind Method to work there is, however, a caveat here, though.
It is wonderful to relax, to completely deeply, images of yourself, your family and the things you’d like to attain but please try to leave your ego out of it. Really relax into the exercises, enjoy them. Back then, I tended to lose relaxation, and force my mind to get the result I wanted. It was less relaxation and more screwing up my forehead to concentrate and I didn’t feel relaxed at all. Sadly, it took me a long time to recover from this extremely stressful period in my life and it really hurt me in more places than one.
If one follows the exercises in the course as recommended here, learn how to become very relaxed, learn to use the different mental exercises properly, you will find it works. As long as you make sure that what you wish to attain benefits all parties and not just you alone, or if you wish someone ill, this can only damage you. The wish to do this comes back and hammers you perhaps more than you could ever imagine. So be very, very careful.
If you are a skeptic and you have read thus far, it would surprise me. I am sure that we can influence our environment. Yes, of course through our words and actions, but if we can connect better with ourselves, then the words and actions could influence more effectively. This is one level of influencing one’s reality, yet it is my belief that we can draw both positive and negative things into our life by focusing on it, the negative unintentionally, the positive accidentally. The mental focusing tools will help you become more aware of the negative influence and help you learn to influence the positive in order to realize your dreams and goals on a level much deeper than you are probably aware of now.
There may be those of you reading this that will say this is nonsense but, when you purchase this wonderful system and practice the exercises, and they require lots of it, please, give it time. Learning to relax deeply is not an easy thing to do for many people but once you’ve got it, it will make your life much better, improve your state of mind, this alone is worth its weight in gold the “bells and whistles” on top will only add to your experience of real wellbeing both physically and mentally.
Whether you want better health, a better relationship with that someone special in your life, your work, your financial state, then I heartily recommend this program. I know it worked and works for me. The exercises for relaxation are wonderful, the exercises for connecting better with your surrounds are amazing. Do they work? For me they did, and they do now that I have picked up the exercises again. My mind is more focused and is not at the beck and call of my emotions.
Take and Make the Time to Follow the Exercise, Do the Exercises and Experience Changes in You and in Your Life
Buy this program, follow the exercises in the sequence it teaches you, do this every day, and give it a month, at the very least, to work its wonders. Use for a year and see where you are after that year has gone by, if used correctly and assiduously, it will amaze you. Learning to relax is wonderful, learning to use your greater mind is fabulous and will enhance every aspect of your life and help you see, achieve much more than you thought possible.
Go for it!