How Not to Use Silva Ultra-Mind Method

Have you ever thought that the mind can change things in this world?

Were there times when you knew that immediately or soon after you had made a thought, the thing you had been thinking about became a reality?

Well, there are those who think this is a load of BS and there are those who think this is absolutely true and then there are those who sit on the fence, so to speak.

Which are you?

Are you someone who thinks the possibility of the mind directly influencing one’s reality is nonsense? If so, I will not argue with you. You may well be right, but then you may be wrong. But if you are open-minded to this idea, then I’d be happy to explore this a little.

Could It Have Something To Do With Quantum Physics?

You may laugh about the heading to this paragraph, but there is something in it. Most of us, at some point in our young lives, listened to our teacher talking about the laws of gravity, the speed of light and numerous other aspects of physics. This included the Newtonian model of physics and of course Mr Einstein. Newton was a genius who lived in England some three-hundred-years ago, and among some of his discoveries was the law of gravity and calculus. He was brilliant, and his insights are scientifically as important today as they were when he discovered them. Interestingly, many considered him a mystic, and he used his greater mind to perceive things which others had not seen as he did before. The same goes for Einstein, who also used his greater mind to discover things which had not been “seen” before either.

Time and time again one reads, almost as a side note on how these eminent men and women discovered things which were not immediately available to their normal conscious mind, they were available at a higher level, higher consciousness beyond the normal perception of thinking. Yet, the logic that came from these discoveries has influenced physics, science, economics and politics and many other aspects of our lives to great advantage. Yet, when schooled in this logical way of seeing the world in which we live, most of us believe that a concept outside of the “Newtonian paradigm” does not exist, cannot exist and therefore cannot be entertained as a possible way to do things, achieve things in any way on planet Earth.

Underlying the mainstream and “marketed” way of believing our three-dimensional world is, and has always been, a different way of seeing things. One only has to look at indigenous cultures to see that they differ in some way, occasionally hugely from how we think in the west and perceive as the correct way to “see” things. The teachers in our school system teach logic in the west, and that is good but there are other regions of the mind where logic plays less of the role. If teachers bring both parts of mind use together and if taught well, this could help the student to achieve things in their lives far beyond the realm of so-called logic. If we taught the two or more aspects of the mind, then we would see a massive increase in human development, but perhaps there are those who would prefer this kind of teaching to never to be taught, ever!

Skeptics Are Good For Reality And Bring The Would Be Dreamers Down To Earth

Skeptics are welcome but I tend to think that they, due to their perception of things, throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater and block any possibility of something of this nature being true or real. Don’t get me wrong, skeptics are necessary in that they bring the dreamers amongst us down to earth with a hard bump and this can be good so that the would be dreamer questions what it is he or she has realized.  However, at the same time they rule out the possibility of something being true and some people think that the way on how they communicate influences a possible outcome in a way that “proves” that something doesn’t work. Isn’t this last point reminiscent of something out of quantum physics? We usually believe what we see and this is, some would say, always based on our conditioning, which can be familial, societal or cultural.

I myself question things a lot, but I most certainly know that to reduce negative stress on the human body affects the metabolism positively and we feel better and our health benefits from this reduction in negative stress. We mostly need some sort of positive stress to keep us motivated and possibly excited about what life is all about.

The Magus of Strovolus

Back in the early nineties I read a book titled the “Magus of Strovolus”, a Greek healer, an elderly, educated man who lived on Cyprus and received visitors and healed people. He also taught would be learners, dissatisfied with their perception of reality in the mystical aspects of the Christian religion. I loved the idea that this came from a Christian background and not a far-eastern one at that time, I read all three books by Kyriacos Markides who spent some time with this man. I enjoyed the books, which I heartily recommend.

A magazine article mentioned Daskalos (which means teacher in Greek) whose real name was Stylianos Atteshlis in connection with a woman based in Zürich, her name was Margarete Friebe. She is still active despite her great age with Alpha Trainings, and although I knew about Silva Mind method and the seminars, I chose to pursue what I thought was a more mystical route and booked a weekend seminar in Zürich. I loved the seminar and according to a close friend back then, when she picked me up from the main city station, remarked on how relaxed I looked. I did feel remarkably good and centred.

My Own Practice

I immediately started to practice what I had learned that weekend. This was not difficult in that I had already been meditating regularly, which I found nice, but I felt this, to me, new kind of active meditation would benefit me more. I was self-employed and had had certain dreams of achieving things within the business I had at that time. So I set my mind to work. I did nothing other than visualize what it was I wanted. And, interestingly, a couple of months later, the first enquiries came in. The first one was a stained glass dome for a very large leisure park. I didn’t get that one, but I was convinced that this was a sign that things were going in the right way.

I have to mention that the business I was in, stained glass supplies, courses and production had been in existence for nine years and although I had had many small contracts I had never received a large contract and I thought that this was the thing I wanted. I emphasize….I thought this was what I wanted!

I Almost Went Bankrupt!

I let my ego get ahead of me. I am not shy of hard work and relish the challenge, but this became rather painful. I unfortunately did not include into my daily practice a picture and feeling of a happy man, a man doing nice things with the rewards from the hard work. I projected myself standing on a ladder mounting the stained glass panels in ceilings. I received a number of contracts for hotels, discotheques and ships. It felt like a runaway train, I could not put the brakes on and when I finally did, I became less than enamored doing the other business in the shop, turnover went down and began to hate being there. I stopped visualizing and meditating, and I almost went bankrupt.

Parallel to the above, I wanted a particular woman I’d met. She was lovely looking, and I thought had a nice personality, but we were completely wrong for each other, and with the downturn of business and a guilt-ridden disastrous relationship this compounded into deep depression, hopelessness and lack of motivation.

On Becoming Wiser

I hope that now; I am a little wiser and when I visualize and feel; I bring my family, a happy family, into the picture and imagining this to be good for all parties, both within my family and without. There is, I believe, currently more “darkness” around than usual and to bring a little light into oneself is the least one can do. I love the quote which I now take from the Silva Ultra-Mind training package, on how a very ill woman, I believe it was Multiple sclerosis, focused when meditating, on others who were suffering in some way, as well as her own health troubles. The result according to Michael Wickert, one of the teachers and speakers in this program, was that she not only helped a lot of people she healed herself completely, thereby bringing in the concept that we are all linked with each other and the more we help others, the more the universe (or God, or the angels, or higher self, or any version of what we perceive as beyond our mere self) helps.

So, as you can see. I believe and have found that rigorous work using the precepts of  Silva Ultra Mind Method to work there is, however, a caveat here, though.

It is wonderful to relax, to completely deeply, images of yourself, your family and the things you’d like to attain but please try to leave your ego out of it. Really relax into the exercises, enjoy them. Back then, I tended to lose relaxation, and force my mind to get the result I wanted. It was less relaxation and more screwing up my forehead to concentrate and I didn’t feel relaxed at all. Sadly, it took me a long time to recover from this extremely stressful period in my life and it really hurt me in more places than one.

If one follows the exercises in the course as recommended here, learn how to become very relaxed, learn to use the different mental exercises properly, you will find it works. As long as you make sure that what you wish to attain benefits all parties and not just you alone, or if you wish someone ill, this can only damage you. The wish to do this comes back and hammers you perhaps more than you could ever imagine. So be very, very careful.

If you are a skeptic and you have read thus far, it would surprise me. I am sure that we can influence our environment. Yes, of course through our words and actions, but if we can connect better with ourselves, then the words and actions could influence more effectively. This is one level of influencing one’s reality, yet it is my belief that we can draw both positive and negative things into our life by focusing on it, the negative unintentionally, the positive accidentally. The mental focusing tools will help you become more aware of the negative influence and help you learn to influence the positive in order to realize your dreams and goals on a level much deeper than you are probably aware of now.

There may be those of you reading this that will say this is nonsense but, when you purchase this wonderful system and practice the exercises, and they require lots of it, please, give it time. Learning to relax deeply is not an easy thing to do for many people but once you’ve got it, it will make your life much better, improve your state of mind, this alone is worth its weight in gold the “bells and whistles” on top will only add to your experience of real wellbeing both physically and mentally.

Whether you want better health, a better relationship with that someone special in your life, your work, your financial state, then I heartily recommend this program. I know it worked and works for me. The exercises for relaxation are wonderful, the exercises for connecting better with your surrounds are amazing. Do they work? For me they did, and they do now that I have picked up the exercises again. My mind is more focused and is not at the beck and call of my emotions.

Take and Make the Time to Follow the Exercise, Do the Exercises and Experience Changes in You and in Your Life

Buy this program, follow the exercises in the sequence it teaches you, do this every day, and give it a month, at the very least, to work its wonders. Use for a year and see where you are after that year has gone by, if used correctly and assiduously, it will amaze you. Learning to relax is wonderful, learning to use your greater mind is fabulous and will enhance every aspect of your life and help you see, achieve much more than you thought possible.

Go for it!

You can reach Silva Ultra Mind by clicking on these words

Vitamin D and Illnesses

Can Vitamin D3 Fight and Defeat Severe Illness?

From what I have read and been led to understand, a lack of vitamin D can lead to many unpleasant sicknesses and indeed, diseases. There is a growing body of recognised evidence from people with medical and scientific backgrounds saying the same. What is extraordinary is that many of them are being regulated and driven off some of the main social media platforms for quackery. One of the reasons for my post here is to address this in some small way due to the current climate of reduced freedom of speech, something that as the days and weeks draw on, often leave me speechless.

Researching a Solution for Allergies and Depression

I got interested in vitamin D a few years ago when I was looking for a solution to my seasonal allergies and depression.

I researched the internet and did a blood test after I’d ordered a blood-testing kit. I found that my D levels were unsurprisingly extremely low. I write unsurprisingly because I live in northern Europe where, if we are lucky we might get some sunny days in the summer but many fewer in the winter. If I were to live in southern European and spent some of the days outside, I probably would not suffer from a lack of vitamin D in the blood and body.

According to the analysis conducted by a medical doctor, taken from the results of my blood test, I had 27.5 ng/ml for my body weight whereas the norm was anywhere between 60 and 100 ng/ml. At that time they recommended that I dose up on 140,000 IU (international units) per month which amounts to approximately between 4,000 and 5,000 IU per day to fill my body up as rapidly as possible. They wrote saying I had a deficit of 380,000 IU, which sounds a lot and probably was but I think if I were to ask all my neighbours and friends they would have similar deficits, and when one thinks about it, it is a wonder that anyone can get anything done at all especially during the wintertime and it is hardly surprising that so many people get colds and coughs and the seasonal flu.

The Darker your Skin, the more You Need Vitamin D3

Apparently for people with darker skin tone have an even higher need for vitamin D. Their skin is built to receive a much higher dose than we fair-skinned people. My wife, who is from the Philippines has quite a dark skin but is rarely ill interestingly but I feel sure that if she were to have her blood tested she might find that her vitamin D levels are quite low. I give her the micro-tablets when I remember to because she dislikes taking tablets and poo-poos them and my interest in nutrition generally. But probably long term her body would suffer. She is quite young and strong but I believe in the winter she would most certainly benefit from taking it more regularly.

There is according to medical reports that there are higher cases of intestinal cancer amongst darker-skinned people in the northern climbs. There is some thought as to why this may be and one of them is for them to increase their vitamin D intake. Apparently, it can protect you against this nasty disease.

There is an increase world-wide and I often wondered why especially in countries where the sun shines more but many people in these countries work in airconditioned offices and avoid the sunshine to keep their skin as pale as they can and some suffer later on in their lives due to this lack of sunshine.

Isn’t it crazy, the brown or black often want to be white and the white want to get a tan and be brown! My wife incidentally is happy being brown and luckily doesn’t use whitening soaps or chemicals which have very uncertain outcomes, healthwise.

Back to vitamin D – you might like to read the following article from a well-known British newspaper the Daily Mail:

This article is based on recent research from Indonesia and also gives data on the demographics of different ethnicities concerning COVID-19.

I found it amusing to read that the British scientists are quoted as saying …” that the study was perhaps worth looking into…”

My Own Experience with Vitamin D3 and the Books I have Read and Recommend

My own experience with vitamin D is that I simply feel better and have more energy. As if a cloud has lifted, it is subtle but definitely noticeable.

It costs little to buy and there are different forms one can purchase. I understand that vitamin D3 is the best and most readily available form you can use. Currently, I am taking vitamin D3 with vitamin K2. I have understood after reading the excellent book by Dr Kate Rhéaume-Bleue “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox”. Despite its title, it makes for a very interesting read.

Another book I have warmed to is an Amazon bestseller and is titled

“The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3 My Experiment With Huge Doses Of D3 From 25,000 To 50,000 To 100,000 Iu A Day Over A 1 Year Period” by Jeff T.  Bowles

His book is incredible, I personally enjoyed reading it. It was as if the author was so excited about what he had to say, he wrote furiously and from the heart, although the research he has continued to put into it, goes beyond a simple explanation of how to use it and why. He brings up numerous arguments as to why he believes the medical authorities are wrong in their surmise of what they say a high dose vitamin D3 intake is.

He experimented on himself. He took his time and as his research proceeded, continued to up the daily dose until he hit 100,000 IUs a day. He kept a watchful eye on his levels by way of regular blood tests, something he recommends strongly in his book. Each and every one of us is different and needs to be careful that his or her body can cope with these large amounts of this fat-soluble vitamin (it is actually a  hormone) and takes time to be absorbed by the body, whereas water-soluble vitamins i.e. vitamin C or the Bs are absorbed pretty much immediately by the body.

I read his book back in 2012 and found it equally as good a read as my re-read this last week with his Kindle updates. His enthusiasm and motivation are contagious. I had been taking 5000 IUs together with K2/MK-7) since the end of April 2020 but a few days ago, inspired by the re-read of Jeff’s book I went up to 20.000 IUs a day and have since bought capsules which have 20k together with 200 mcg of K2. Dare I say, I feel great?! Yes, of course, I do. I will be getting my blood checked very soon as I plan to continue this experiment, in part due to feelings of helplessness and a cloud of depression – the latter being quite mild but tangible and tiring as it decimates any motivation I might have and now is the time to crack on and complete the all too numerous tasks I have to get done as a stay at home dad and self-employed trainer/coach and writer.
Jeff T. Bowles has a great website you might like to check out:

You might find his latest book of interest there very enticing. He is a bestselling author on Amazon as I have already mentioned and yet, strangely Amazon has refused to publish his latest book “16 Fascinating Covid-19 & Spanish Flu Mysteries Solved!” The title is as always provocative, but it is meant to be. I am almost at the end of this book, it makes for a good read and his theories are well researched. It seems that one of his favourite activities is research and he spends a lot of time doing it. He writes quite a lot about different countries topography in this particular book and I can relate to this well. He also writes about whether a certain type of fish could be of help against not only Covid-19 but other sicknesses too. How sunshine and shade, as well as the location concerning the coast in certain areas of the world, might also be an indicator as to why someone might be more vulnerable to Covid-19. Latitude plays an important role generally too.

You will also find on his website many people who have tried his method of high-dose vitamin D3 intake together with K2 and have benefited hugely. Well worth a visit!

Although I am the father of a gorgeous youngster, I am feeling the annoying aches and pains of ageing. It came, like for so many of us, as a surprise which I grudgingly accept yet……if there were a way to fend off these annoying additional stress factors, how could I use it and where could I find it? I am at the early stages of my experiment and due to the current status quo on planet Earth and the politics of the mainstream press and media, I feel it is a responsibility to my little boy to fend off the ageing symptoms and get as well I can be. Don’t get me wrong, I am not ill. I am pretty slim, I jog pretty much every second day and have been since the beginning of this year but there has been a distinct lack of motivation on my part and I wish to change it. This general feeling of “what’s the use?” has been so palpable, not just recently either, it goes back a long way. I believe I could cover this up before with lots of activity and doing, but the undercurrent of a depressive state was almost always there for one reason or another. Now that the energy, in part, due to the ageing process is dissipating and I want it back! I need it back as I have a lot to do still.

I hope to heal my lower back from its morning pain, feel better generally about life, remove that pressure from around my heart  – according to the cardiologist here is nothing wrong as far as he could see – I believe I already feel better there too. So let’s see how this goes. I’ll keep you posted.

I am onto my third book by Jeff T. Bowles now, titled “The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned”. Again a wonderful read. It is perhaps a little better edited but keeps the same enthusiasm in his writing and go-getter writing personality. His writing of the age in the 20s and 30s of vitamin D fortified food in the USA, so much so according to Jeff’s research that numerous hospitals which had been built were empty due to the health of the nation. Is this a far-fetched notion? I have not checked Jeff’s figures personally regarding this matter but I have a certain trust in the man even though I do not know him. I believe in his integrity.

The drug industry, he writes then went into overdrive to ban vitamin D in foods and developed a “drug” with different names which were none other than an extremely high dose of vitamin D3 and gave this to their patients. How strange a place this beautiful planet has become in the name of greed and protected interests, sadly.

He writes and shows many statistics about the different diseases and shows that there is a distinct correlation between high latitude inhabitants as opposed to low latitude inhabitants. This alone shows that there is something remiss in the dialectical of the scientists.

Up to 60.000 IUs of Vitamin D3

After a week of taking 40.000 IUs, I have decided to embark on a period of 60.000 IUs. Each time a take a 20.000 IU capsule this is followed by a magnesium capsule of 120 mg of pure magnesium. The vitamin D3 capsules I am taking have vitamin K2 packed within them which makes it easier in that I only have to remember to take one capsule together with one capsule of the aforementioned magnesium.

I have noticed, more energy and more, how shall I put it, more gumption together with more motivation, something I was hoping to find when taking large amounts of D3.


Last weekend I spent quite a lot of time in the sun without suncream. My friends, I could see from their faces found it stupid and typically English. The English people, here in Germany, are renowned for being sunburned when holidaying in southern Europe. Many Germans, when they think of the English holidaymakers are loud, drunk, often overweight and sunburned. I managed to squeeze out that I was taking large amounts of vitamin D3. I could see from their faces that this was an area they had little knowledge although one of them said he’d been to his doctor, who had gone on to say that ALL Germans had a deficit of vitamin D3, to which I agreed. Indeed, all northern Europeans and according to to the MS statistics in the USA/Canada the prevalence of this nasty disease increases the further north you go. Above the 37th parallel, there is a drastic increase. and according to the data I was able to pull up online, it seems to follow a similar line in Europe although this appears quite far south in Europe normally associated with lots of sunshine. However, these days fewer and fewer people spend time in the sun, we rush from our homes to our offices, we then rush home. We have been told to keep out of the sun because it is dangerous and if we are out in the sunshine during our free time, we slather suncream on our skin, the higher light factor the better.

My little experiment was interesting last Saturday. It was a very hot day and the sun shone in a cloudless sky all day and I spent my day at the beach and in the water from about 11.00 am till around 4.00 pm. During the early afternoon, I did in fact put some suncream on but not much.  Normally, by this time I would have been redder than red, all over. I did have a mild sunburn, which was not unpleasant and I believe that the high-doses of vitamin D3 I had been taking allowed my skin to take much more sunshine and the healthy rays UVB along with all the others, to benefit my skin. Had I not been taking D3, I would have most certainly put the “obligatory” suncream on.

Normally, I’d have been like most of my fellow countrymen and gone completely and unpleasantly red had I not put suncream on. I guess this says something about the English in general if they go so red is that they need even more vitamin D3 than the Germans, possibly.

I was attracted to another book on Vitamin D3 by Robert Barefoot “The Disease Conspiracy: The FDA Suppression of Cures”. It is excellent although the first half of the book is about his enthusiasm for coral calcium which comes from Okinawa in Japan. He includes a lot of research and a lot of testimonials for his product. I am currently in the part of the book where he, like Jeff Bowles in his books, writes about how vitamin D2 and D3 were used a long time ago to fortify foods that the medical lobby was getting fed up due to too little to do. So they started bandying around the dangerous aspect of “too much ” D3 and changed the mg to IU with their recommendations as to how much you should take. This is still the benchmark that US doctors and certainly here in German doctors hold on to and prescribe to their patients.

Some doctors are “waking up” which is excellent and prescribing higher doses of this wonderful nutritional aid to wellbeing. I hope more and more people do too.

The blocking of some social media platforms and indeed some of the largest search engines are down-grading some websites with valid, worthwhile information pertaining to health issues. This is very sad and it begs the question – WHY? What is the reason for doing this? What are they afraid of? And, perhaps even more important, who gains from this?

Strange times indeed, worrying too.

The answer to many of our illnesses, diseases and lack of wellbeing are already here but they are not being marketed at all by the mainstream and the powers that be are doing their utmost to block many alternative ways to deal with health issues despite the body of scientific research available and the people and medical professionals propagating these so-called “alternative” medicines.

Hopefully, the governments of the world will not go so far as to block them entirely in the near future.

Time will tell!

NB: all my words and experiments on myself were carried out after reading extensively. Should you wish to experiment, I sincerely recommend you contact a well qualified and well-educated nutritionally oriented medical doctor because, if you have underlying health issues, you will, for the most part, probably benefit from high-dose vitamin taking, but there is a risk as there is with anything when done more than the recommended amount and current understanding of this kind of self-organised therapy.



Vitamin B3 or Niacin

Vitamin B3.

What is it, where can I find it and what can it do?

I first heard of Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid many years ago when it could be used as an inner cleansing. I promptly forgot about this simply because I didn’t believe I needed “an inner cleansing.”

I was not so long ago after reading Doctor Andrew W. Saul’s excellent compendium on nutrition “Doctor Yourself” (under which he runs an excellently informative website) I  read a little about B3 when I went onto reading a much more detailed account of its uses both historically and currently in the book titled “Niacin: The Real Story” by Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD, Andrew W. Saul PhD and Harold D. Forster PhD, a book I can thoroughly recommend to anyone who wishes to understand this amazing vitamin more in great detail.

I have read it at least twice due to an ongoing battle with depressive states and most especially an inability to sleep deeply throughout the night.

Which Foods Deliver the Most Vitamin B3?

It is what is known as a water-soluble vitamin, this means that your body will excrete any B3/niacin from your body that isn’t being used. This also means it is difficult to overdose on this vitamin simply because your body will get rid of the excess very soon after taking it. We, for the most part, take in vitamin B3 via our food from the likes of:

(For meat and fish eaters)

1. Ground beef– also provides vitamin B12, selenium, iron and zinc in addition to protein.

2. Pork– especially the lean cuts provide a good source of B3

3. Liver – this meat has massive amounts of Vitamin B3 and a relatively small portion of under 100 grams can deliver near to the RDA to a healthy adult easily.

4. Chicken breast – interestingly the amount delivered is almost as high as liver but only in the breast of a chicken. The thigh, for instance, is only about half the amount.

5. Turkey– is another good source of niacin and is mostly found in the breast. Together with this vitamin is has a lot of tryptophan which is also converted to niacin within the body and adds to the calming effect as well as providing better sleep for the eater.

6. Salmon– is another fish, preferably wild-salmon but also farmed salmon but doesn’t quite pack the same punch as the wild sort, is an excellent source of this wonderful vitamin. It is also a provider of Omega-3 fatty acids which can act as against inflammation

7. Tuna– is high in B3 and is a great way for people who are pescatarians to dose up on this vitamin as well as this very nutritious food. The only disadvantage with tuna is that is often contaminated with mercury which of course is extremely detrimental to health but according to specialists, eating this food once a week is fine.

8. Anchovies– tiny fish which are usually sold by the can/tin are also filled with niacin and selenium as well. Both being great to for good health.

(For vegetarians, vegans and others who enjoy plant-based  oriented diets)

9. Avocado- one of which can provide up to 25% vitamin B3 RDA and also rich in healthy fats, minerals and other vitamins. According to scientists, it has twice as much potassium as a banana.

10. Peanuts–  the wonderful ground-nut, many of us know in peanut butter. This fantastic, energy food is great for protein intake as well as vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium and is additionally really in the way of healthy fats and although it has a “ton” of calories, weight gain is something you don’t need to worry about, all within reason, of course! It’s apparently good against the risks of diabetes 2.

11. Brown rice– is filled with this vitamin, yet due to the roughage aspect, which is great for your gut (intestinal tract) as it makes it work (peristalsis), it makes it more difficult for the body to absorb. It is, however, better for weight loss and has numerous other minerals and vitamins.

12. Whole wheat– much like brown rice, it is not easily absorbed but again the roughage aspect is a big gain for the body. It does need to be whole wheat as opposed to refined white flour though. It can be in bread or pasta, but this is a matter of taste and for some, takes a little getting used to, but it is worth it!

13. Potatoes– this humble vegetable is not to be looked down upon but can be used in many creative ways to make it more attractive to the palate than the usual servings of fried, boiled or mashed. A great source of the B3 and because it is often eaten in greater quantities than many other vegetables, then all I can say, tuck in and get them down.

14. Mushrooms– another delicious way to take in the wonderful B3 vitamin. If they have been grown using artificial light, there is the additional aspect and ingredient of vitamin D another important vitamin of which I will be writing an overview in the near future.

15. Green peas– are an excellent source of no only the vitamin I am writing about here, they are also rich in many nutrients and can, according to some sources, reduce your risk to cancer, lower cholesterol, benefit the increase of healthy bacteria in your gut.

An excellent diet is the best way to absorb most of our vitamins and minerals but our speedy and often hectic lifestyle often disallows us to get the correct amount of any vitamin and mineral and one wonders why there has been such an increase in allergies, diseases and general ill-health despite what many consider to be perhaps the best time humanity has ever lived. I speak as a man who lives in a northern European country and I am, I know, extremely privileged but therein lies the problem. Is it laziness at simply picking up some fast food on the way home because I am too tired to make my own? Yes, in part, when the pizza or pasta dish beckons and I simply have to warm up in the oven or microwave, perhaps wondering many years later why I might have this or that allergy, sickness or whatever which came unannounced only to shock me into action or not.

I am a great believer in researching one’s challenges, be they physical or mental and have found that this area of nutrition can be a great help.

We are all different, well not that different, because we are all human beings but our chemical make up is always unique and therein lies the crux of the matter. Most doctors know how to treat illness with pharmaceuticals, I have, however, an aversion to this for some reason. I prefer to put natural products into my body simply because I am (or was!) a normal, natural human being and believe that by going the natural way one can achieve a good result, assuming the sickness has not grown so much as to overload the system and get it to “eat” itself. Then, perhaps more aggressive entities might have to be used to slow the growth down.

We are lucky to have access to the world wide web and within this veritable “Library of Alexandria”, we can access pretty much anything that pertains to, well, pretty much anything and especially health issues. One has to be careful because many are there to sell their products, which is not bad but one has to be observant and on one’s guard.

The Taking of Vitamin B3

Although the above mentioned excellent books often talk about 3000 mg (micrograms) per day, or 1000 mg three times a day, I found that taking one 500 mg at night shortly before going to sleep was more than adequate for a night of deep sleep, which was wonderful.

I do not take it all the time because, with me, I seem to enter a state of such relaxedness and slowed-downness that I become a little “zombielike”. It is a nice feeling but when I noticed that I almost forgot to lock my trusted bicycle up or more recently signed a new mobile phone contract being sold by a man who was less than integrous, I realised that my intuition was not where it might have been and could it have had something to do with my state of absolute relaxedness? Maybe, maybe not. This happened during the Corona lock-down when I was having a lovely time with my wife and little boy at home for the most part, so my guard was down. This is my own personal take on things, for many who suffer from lack of sleep or are nervous and worried about things in life the taking of the correct amount of vitamin B3 can be of enormous help.

Flushing Effect

One of the things that have amused me when reading some of the Amazon ratings from some people is that they evidently did little research before taking B3 and they did not know about the so-called flushing effect.

Flushing, as it is known, is when shortly after taking niacin in large doses will usually make your skin go bright red. It will look as if you have been in the sun too long if you are light-skinned and whatever your skin colour, your skin might also feel tingly and itchy. The latter can be quite uncomfortable and even more so if you deign to scratch, something I strongly recommend you do not do!!

The flushing lasts up to half an hour especially if you have taken B3 on an empty stomach when the effect can be very strong. I personally take it shortly before going to bed and the likelihood of flushing, while I am sleeping, is very strong and, anyway, after a week or two of regular use you will find that the flushing effect dies out and you will not feel anything at all.

Some find the flushing pleasurable and don’t worry about it at all. I don’t mind it.

The flushing is not dangerous and is normal. Apparently, the less you flush the more your body needs it and you might experiment (preferably under the care of a healthcare practitioner) with higher doses.

For long term use, it is recommended that your liver values are checked from time to time to check that they are okay.

According to some sources, you should not take vitamin B3 if you have liver problems or diseases, stomach ulcers or stomach bleeding. Apparently you can reduce the flushing if you take some aspirin beforehand.

Niacin for Depression

It is also possible to address depression and was one of the reasons I originally looked into it for myself. I was a little challenged by the flushing effect due intensive itching but once I got past that I was okay. I am putting a very short but very good video where doctor Andrew Saul speaks about vitamin B3 and depression, he also says something about vitamin C too. I wrote about my experience with vitamin C in my other article. Enjoy.

Niacin for Mental Illness

Doctor Abram Hoffer used massive doses of Vitamin B3 with his schizophrenic patients successfully.

He also used it for children suffering from both ADD and ADHD again, successfully and as vitamins are not addictive, then if this was rolled out for all the children, it could alleviate many of the symptoms and help many concerned parents.

Sadly this doesn’t get talked about in the mainstream press or elsewhere.

Different Types of B3

The straightforward niacin causes flushing, which I addressed above but it is apparently the best of the B3s. There are however further B3s in the form of niacinamide (also known as nicotinamide) which for the most part seldom causes flushing but, if it does it can be unpleasant and can cause nausea if taken for a prolonged period of time.

There is also the more expensive Inositol Hexaniacinate which causes almost no flushing (also called inositol Hexanicoinate). This is a very gentle B3 and can be used according to Dr Hoffer amazingly well for the very sensitive.


I hope I have made you a little curious as to the hows and whens of this vitamin. If you suffer from a lack of deep sleep, I recommend it highly, if you are worried and stressed about life at the moment, I can recommend it too.

Just a last note in that when we suffer from an immense lack of vitamin B3 something horrible happens. There is a disease called pellagra which not only looks disgusting but is. It affects the skin of the sufferer and affected 30,000 people during the 1930s in the USA. One can find photos online and they are quite disturbing. All because this “little” vitamin was missing from their diet. Similar to my words on scurvy and vitamin C, we rarely see these sicknesses today but many say we are all suffering from underuse of these nutrients and I am a firm believer in increasing them.

I currently take a high dose vitamin B complex with not less than 50 mg amongst all the others Bs.

Try it out, it costs little and you will almost certainly be rewarded with deeper and more satisfying sleep. When I take it, I sleep very deeply indeed.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Vitamin C History and how to take it

Albert Szent-Györgyi Discovered Vitamin C in the 1920s

Albert Szent-Györgyi was a Hungarian biochemist who received a Nobel Prize for his work in physiology and medicine in 1937. He is known for separating vitamin C and isolating components of the citric acid cycle.

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. The word ascorbic means anti-scurvy and the C was coined according to one source, as Casimir Funk. There were several more learned gentlemen involved in the process of discovery but Albert Szent-Györgyi is accorded the accolade for making it more public.

Back in 1747, a British Royal Navy surgeon James Lind decided to try to find a cure for scurvy which ravaged the sailors when they were away on long voyages to the far reaches of the British Empire. Due to the lack of understanding with respect to nutrition, thousands of sailors died of nutritional sickness. James Lind aboard the HMS Salisbury conducted an experiment and took 12 men and divided them into 6 pairs. Each group was given something different to their normal diet and he found that the one’s who had received citrus fruits recovered from the devastating effects of this, at that time, common disease.

Despite James Lind’s success in conquering scurvy, it wasn’t until some fifty years later that the Royal Navy finally got it that citrus fruits could improve the health of its men enormously and this was due to another medical doctor, Sir Gilbert Blane in 1795. He was able to convince the admiralty that the ships should always have citrus fruit juice served every day to prevent this horrendous disease.

The British sailors were often called “Limeys” because in the Caribbean, limes were more accessible than oranges and lemons.

It is interesting to note that it took the Royal Navy around fifty years to finally allow James Lind’s idea to be accepted. Large established organizations are prone to be less open to new ideas, despite that it would have meant a stronger, healthier fighting force. And even today, some 225 years later, vitamin C is still undergoing a lack of acceptance and its place in aiding people who are suffering from all sorts of sicknesses, more on that later.

Further Background on the History of Doctors Who Used Vitamins

According to what I have read on different websites and in certain books, vitamin C has been used both orally and intravenously under the supervision of numerous trained doctors.

A few, far-thinking doctors started using vitamin C way back in the 1930s very successfully and have done so ever since. So this is nothing new in the use of this wonderful medium. It is unfortunately not recognized by mainstream medicine and continues to be so. This is very sad because huge numbers of people could be helped, whatever the symptoms may be.

There are too many medically trained doctors to mention here, yet I would like to mention a few of the early ones and some illnesses they successfully treated. This is little known information unless you look for it and know what you are looking for on the internet. The mainstream generally poo-poos anything to do with what they deem as an alternative therapy but nutritional medicine really does work, in the right doses and quantities. I have seen this for myself but more on that later.

Christiaan Eijkman (1858 – 1930) was a Dutch medical doctor who was famous for his research into nutrition. He discovered that a diet of polished rice in 1893 would lead to beriberi. He experimented on birds with this disease and during this time he discovered vitamin B.

He demonstrated that an ingredient in polished rice was a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the body’s nervous system and metabolism and that the lack of this element could lead to beriberi and other sicknesses. It was in 1929, due to this research, he received the Nobel Prize sharing it with the British biochemist Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins for physiology and medicine.

Max Gerson M.D (1881 – 1959) started to use vegetable juices to help treat thousands of people suffering from all kinds of cancers and other critical illnesses as far back as the early 1920s. Patients receive a glass of freshly pressed vegetable juice every hour. His daughter Charlotte Gerson continued his work until her passing in 2019. There are several clinics around the world that offer Gerson’s therapy. Not everyone has been helped by this therapy but then has chemotherapy?

William McCormick M.D (1880- 1968) As a pioneer in the use of vitamin C and poor collagen formation who used it in extra-large doses on such cases as stretch marks, cardiovascular and cancer treatments successfully. He also established in his clinical and laboratory research that one cigarette could neutralize 25 mg of vitamin C in the body. This was amazing and at a time when the cigarette industry was going all out with it’s “no health issues” when smoking. Yet, the mainstream media continues to ignore the use of the wonder substance.

Roger J. Williams PhD (1893 – 1988) Was a Professor of Chemistry and discoverer of pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5). He was founder and director of the Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas which was responsible for many vitamin discoveries.

Cornelius Moerman M.D (1893 – 1988) Founder of the Moerman Therapy for cancer treatment. He fought all his life against the established views of his peers who regarded his views with disdain. Yet his name is revered today and his work continues in the Netherlands as Moermanvereniging.

This is only a small excerpt of the many men and women who specialized in implementing the usage of orthomolecular medicine on their patients. : It was the two-time Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling PH. D who created this word to mean what it means today. Ortho, from Greek means – to correct and molecule and the word Orthomolecular came in to being. It means correcting bodily imbalances with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Here is a link to an excellent website where you will be able to see that vitamins usage in mega-doses is by no means an obscure, alternative medical treatment because the people mentioned on the linked website were all highly educated, for the most part, medical doctors or professors and Nobel Prize winners from the sciences. It makes for a fascinating read.

Why Vitamin Therapy Might be Good for You?

We are all so different yet, we all have the human body which has a heart, a pair of lungs, a couple of kidneys, a liver, a stomach and too many organs to mention here that almost all of are born with. There are some people who are born with an organ that is missing and some of us lose a part of the body due to an accident or illness but no matter your race, your gender, your size or age we are all members of the human family. Some of us treat our bodies better than others, some of us choose to smoke or to drink a little more than perhaps is recommended, some of us eat a less than healthy foods and often at some point in our lives we find that we, for the most part, go to the doctor and ask him or her what we can do about it.

I have lived a relatively healthy life, I drank little and I smoked, when I smoked only socially and that was in my early twenties but I never felt the need to imbibe when on my own. I also experimented with some substances only to find that one of them made me feel paranoid and due to long ago circumstances, I gave this up.

I have eaten moderately well and have rarely been over-weight, although there was a time, some ten years ago when I noticed that when I sat down a balloon of a stomach pushed out when on the loo or a chair when I could feel the constraints of my trousers and it didn’t feel good. Back in 2012, I was sick and tired of my seasonal allergies and my “balloon” so I decided on a radical action, I fasted.

Fasting to Clean the Pipes

I fasted for 17 days on water and herb-teas. I was not a happy camper at the time, business was bad, I was at a juncture in my life when I didn’t know how to continue so I decided to give my body (and my mind from sugar) a break. And yes, I lost weight and I had no need for the asthma inhaler I usually needed at this time of the year. The wonder of wonders, I could sleep with my bedroom window open, something I always do, no matter what the weather is like, but during the early spring I had to close the window and this was horrible.

Fasting is something that humankind has done for aeons, yet, once again, barely mentioned in the official medical journals although I have a number books written about fasting by medical doctors who went on to study this aspect of treatment and healing of their own accord. One book that comes to mind is the book written by the doctor Joel Fuhrman MD, whose own remarkable healing of an incidence as a young man put him on a path to want to help others experience similar treatment and success. The book’s title is “Fasting and Eating for Health”

NB. I would not recommend anybody doing a long fast for the first time or later without some sort of medical supervision, it can make one awfully weak, however, if you were to do a juice fast and then not so long, this also needs to be treated with great respect and also best under the supervision of a specialist.

Megavitamins to Help Treat Seasonal Allergies?

Although I had read about mega-vitamin therapy, I hadn’t really taken in “on board”. It was a case of, “yes, it might be good for others, but it won’t be good for me”.

A year a later I started to read more about vitamin D3 and K2 which I found fascinating but it wasn’t until I came across Doctor Andrew Saul’s book “Fire Your Doctor” that I began to take a few grams of vitamin C only to notice that my seasonal allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes, runny nose and later in the allergy season asthmatic responses were vastly reduced. I am now taking between 10 and 15 grams a day mostly as ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in a pleasant tasting, no-added-sugar fruit juice. As ascorbic acid is, well, an acid, Andrew Saul recommends rinsing one’s teeth after taking the dose. There are other types of vitamin C powder which are less aggressive to the teeth but are a little more expensive and I find more bitter tasting. However, there are always the 1 gram tablets which one can gulp down.

I have found that the itchy eyes, runny nose and asthma are greatly reduced when I up the daily dosage of vitamin C. I add vitamin D3 but this is best done a few weeks (or months) before the allergy season because it takes a while for this fat-soluble vitamin to stored in the body whereas vitamin C is more or less instant and by that I mean within in minutes, especially if taken on an empty stomach and as a powder/juice form I have just written about.

And Depression?

I remember cycling home from a client one warm summer evening and I became aware that the cloud of depression was gone! I felt good for the first time in a long time. It could have been the warm summer evening but I remember thinking that it was the larger doses than I had previously been taking. It was a wonderful feeling and it was such a relief. I felt happy and happier than I had felt for a long time.

There is a body of research relating to this factor of usage and I heartily recommend you researching this at ether: This is only one of many articles on that website. Also Both websites are a wonderful resource and an incredible amount of information written by medical doctors which have been peer-reviewed.

How to take Vitamin C?

It has taken me a while to get it into my head how one should take this amazing substance.

The nutritionists talk about bowel tolerance. An interesting term and it is certainly better than the technical term for a runny-tummy, in other words, diarrhoea (diarrhoea). In order to take vitamin C, I have read and have indeed, learned that for my particular body, not to take much more than 3 grams at a time, whether as a tablet or a powder in juice when I am healthy. I have learned that on days when a cold or some sort of influenza is on its way, that I can up the dose to more. In other words, my bowel tolerance increases when I am not well. During the time of the year, I am allergic to certain pollen I take around 15 grams a day. I round off the day with about 2 grams before I head for bed. Some people can take much more than I do in one go and some might have to take much less. It is not the single size of the dose anyway, it is the dosage throughout the day which is important so that by the end of the day you will have reached your 10 to 15 grams of this wonderful substance.

If you happen to be coming down with a severe fever or influenza, I have been led to understand that many specialists recommend taking a bowel-tolerance dose and then following this up by a gram (some say) every half-an-hour or every hour. Doctor Andrew Saul writes in his book of how, when coming down with pneumonia took a one grams tablet of C every six minutes without any bowel-tolerance problems. The result was that very shortly after this he was able to carry on with his normal life and didn’t lie for days in bed recovering.

For more severe symptoms, my own doctor here in the city I live is both a medical doctor and biologist used IV (Intravenous) vitamin C with his cancer patients. From what I understand cancer patients invariably have extremely low levels of vitamin C in their blood (as do most elderly people) and benefit hugely from extra-large doses this marvellous substance directly into their veins. The massive advantage with the taking of it via IV is that huge amounts of C can be put directly into the bloodstream and there is no reaction to this with respect to bowel-tolerance levels, in other words, there is no problem at all regarding this issue.


My understanding and experience is that I personally take around 3 grams every morning before I leave the house and a further 3 grams sometime before lunch-time, then sometime during the afternoon and sometime in the early evening and 2 or 3 grams just before going to bed. Many people take less and some take more. If you should have a particularly sensitive stomach then I recommend calcium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate – both are vitamin C in another form. You could also take the much more expensive liposomal which is often (but not only) in liquid form and some people are saying it is the next best thing to IV dosing.

A Final Little Story

Two years ago, a client of mine came to our weekly business English training sessions in the city and he was cursing! He was and still is the manager of an outdoor wear shop of a very well-known company. The store had newly opened that year and he was under a lot of pressure from his superiors and was super busy. A really likeable guy who was primarily cursing his seasonal allergy and the severe symptoms he was suffering. Most people are not open to the idea of vitamin C as help and I occasionally mention that I took large doses of this when the season had come along but most people when hearing this revert to what their doctor had prescribed for them, which is okay and I have to accept it, I am not a doctor and have no idea what the background is. But this young – around 30-year-old – man seemed to listen as I told him about my own experience with seasonal allergies, I mentioned how much I took and what kind. The next week we met for another training session, he said how much better he felt and how he could now breath properly and carry out his work much better as branch manager and was very grateful I had mentioned this miracle substance to him.

I hope my brief article has helped you. I have been meaning to write this for a long time but have felt it was now very necessary due to the fact the mainstream press is giving this wonderful therapy a hard time. Potentially thousands of people could be helped with their modest to severe symptoms if there were more awake doctors around. I am aware that a doctor doesn’t become a doctor to hurt their patients but many still look down their noses at vitamin C and its brothers and sisters, other vitamins and minerals. Some articles are coming out but not many and as I am a great believer in this substance which can probably help many, many people, it has most certainly helped me with my allergies, my energy levels and my depressions, I felt obliged to write about it here. Have fun exploring the potentially better and improved you. Best wishes.

Oh, and by the way. human beings can’t make their own vitamin C alongside the fruit-bat, guineapigs and most primates. Irwin Stone’s wonderful book “The Healing Factor,” writes that he believes that almost all human beings suffer from what he terms a sub-scurvy condition, meaning that most us suffer from some sort of scurvy, bleeding gums when cleaning one’s teeth just to mention one…perhaps something to think about?


The subject matter of vitamin C is an interesting one and I have written for the most part about my own experiences with it. At no point do I wish to suggest that it is a replacement for advice or medicines your doctor might recommend, however, there is a large body of documented research which shows that vitamin C can help as a supplementary wellness assistant. Do you own research, and remember, that the implication is large doses or mega-doses of vitamins and not the so-called “recommended amounts”. Please take this up with your health specialist should you wish to enquire further.